Our 7th Annual Bowl-a-thon will be on Saturday, May 16th.  Every year the bowl-a-thon grows and brings in more money for our organization.  Come join  the fun and help Independence Plus to continue it's great programs!  Participant who brings in the most pledge money gets an original signed large fine art photo canvas print.  You do not need to physically bowl to win this grand prize.  Just go out and ask family members and friends to donate to our cause.  On the day of the event, you turn in your pledge sheet and monies collected or have someone else turn it in for you. Or turn it in the day before at the center to Dr. Greg.  Plenty of door prizes will be handed out during the bowl-a-thon.  When everyone is finished bowling their 2 games, $75 cash prize will be awarded to person with the highest score.  $25 cash prize goes to person bowling second highest score.  Winner for 50-50 raffle will also be picked.  You do not need to participate or be in attendance at the bowl-a-thon to participate  in the 50-50 raffle.  Good luck everybody!
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